Monday, July 5, 2010

Practice what you preach

Hello Everyone!

Talk the talk and walk the walk. A good coach/trainer should not only have the knowledge needed to serve his/her athletes, but should also live the lifestyle he/she preaches.

I am not an endurance runner, but I do preach overall fitness and being able to perform the 10 General Physical Skills:
  1. Cardiovascular Endurance
  2. Stamina
  3. Strength
  4. Flexibility
  5. Power
  6. Speed
  7. Coordination
  8. Accuracy
  9. Agility
  10. Balance
Today was a first for me, a 4 mile race, The Stow Firecracker Run. Training and practicing for the race taught me a lot about what many of my Adult Performance members go through when they prepare for an endurance event. Even though it was only 1/6 of a marathon, I feel that I am a better coach because I practiced what a preached...

2010 Stow Firecracker 4 mile Run
9 Adult Performance Members Participated
All completed the 4 miles in great times and for some it was the first race they've ever run

Before the run.
Myself, Dan, Ron, Eric, Juli, Keith, Jill, Dave, Kim

After the run, waiting for the moms to be :-)
Myself, Steve, Dan, Keith, Dave, Kim

Parents to be after the run/fast walk
Dave, Jill, Juli, Eric

Knowledge is gained through learner, Wisdom is gained through experience. Today wisdom was gained through a great experience with great people!

Keep Training!
Coach Amanda Kephart

* NOTE: Sport athletes (football, basketball, baseball, etc) should NOT run miles to prepare for their sports. The majority of sports are interval based events and should be trained accordingly. See Interval Training for Athletes for more information.

1 comment:

  1. It was great having you join the runners! Just think - you have 3months to get ready for the Columbus marathon!
