Hello Everyone!
With the change of sport seasons we are having some athletes return for their second, third, fourth, even fifth year with us. Many of these athletes started at AGSP when they were only 9, 10, 11, or 12 years old, and now as teenagers, their early exposure to proper training is really paying off.
It is easier to train a puppy than it is to teach an old dog new tricks.We've all heard that saying before, but our multi-year returning athletes are showing how this saying can truly impact an athlete's performance and life. With a foundation of proper movement given to them, these returning athletes have better coordination and stronger foundation to work from.
Their body remembers what it learned as "a puppy" and now doesn't have to lose time "learning new tricks." Therefore, these athletes are literally able to pick up where they left off and are ahead of their fellow athletes who didn't learn proper training and movement as "a puppy."
Do you have a young pup who loves sports? Maybe it is time they come try a complimentary training session with us at AGSP.
Or, do you have a teenage athlete who could learn some new tricks? The sooner they start training and building their foundation the better!
Keep Training! (our returning multi-year athletes are!)Coach Amanda Kephart and Akron General Sports Performance