Hello Everyone!
My fellow Strength & Conditioning Coaches will appreciate this photo I captured of one of UNCG's Women's Tennis players (she's a freshman btw).
I have been working on Speed, Agility, Quickness and Overall Movement Efficiency with the Women's Tennis team since August. The girls have worked very hard and have been very receptive to my coaching. This photo is proof that movement training is vital for athletes as it is truly a practical skill that is performed (and required) in most sports.
Things to take note of:
* Shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles are all in alignment
* Good 45 degree acceleration angle
* Good "toe-up" dorsi-flexion
* Good attack back and shin angles.
BTW, the girls won that match and almost upset #27 ranked Indiana the night before. :-)
Keep Training!
Coach Amanda Haren
Hello Everyone!
"Without a vision, the people will perish" - Proverbs 29:18
Do you have a vision for your life? If you're an athlete do you have a clear vision of what you want your athletic career to consist of? If you want to change your life, how are you going to do it? And when?
I believe in the importance of visualizing what you want your life to be and using that vision to help you establish goals that will help you make your vision a reality. If you do not have a vision for your life then you are just living day by day, making no significant changes in your life.
Below is a sample from my personal "Lifetime Goals". I have provided it for you to use as a guide if you wish to create your own. It has specfic goals that have deadlines and the what, why, and how they will be achieved. These (and many others) are parts of the vision I have for my life, a vision that I plan to make a reality.

Without a vision, the people will perish...
...With a vision, people thrive!
Are you ready to thrive in all aspects of your life? Take some time and invest it in yourself.
Keep Liftin'
Coach Amanda Haren